Drive By Websites Spalding Websites in Lincolnshire

Stop Using The Same Password!

Hosting Lincolnshire

Over 500 Million Exposed in Facebook Data Breach In April 2021, approximately 20% of Facebook’s subscribers were exposed in a data breach. The data was allegedly obtained by exploiting a vulnerability Facebook says they rectified in August 2019. Records contained telephone numbers, email addresses, names, genders, dates of birth, location, relationship status and employer. Why … Read more

Our Highest Performance Servers To Date

Upgrade server

We’re introducing a waiting list for our upcoming server upgrades. Clients can change over their existing annual hosting arrangements for an upgraded monthly arrangement on brand-new high-performance servers. We’ve made some comparisons of single sites on both server specifications and found that the upgraded servers are clocking in at over twice the speed of standard … Read more

Ecommerce – Moving Lincolnshire Magento 1 Sites to Magento 2

magento2 update lincolnshire

Switching to Magento 2 If you’re running an ecommerce website in Lincolnshire, it might be time to check with your hosts that you are future proof. We regularly have new clients in Spalding approach us with older ecommerce systems, unaware that their business and their customers are at risk. If they stay on an old … Read more